Dennis Hobbs - Update.

British Superbike Cup rider Dennis Hobbs underwent surgery Monday in a bid to rectify broken vertebrae in his neck that he injured during testing just over five weeks ago.

The 22 year old from Guisborough, Cleveland endured a six and a half hour operation in order to stabilise the damage to his C7 and C8 neck vertebrae and his father John reported that the initial surgery had gone to plan.

"Dennis came out of the operating theatre just after 8pm tonight (Monday) and as you would expect after such a major operation, he's not quite with it," said John Hobbs.

British Superbike Cup rider Dennis Hobbs underwent surgery Monday in a bid to rectify broken vertebrae in his neck that he injured during testing just over five weeks ago.

The 22 year old from Guisborough, Cleveland endured a six and a half hour operation in order to stabilise the damage to his C7 and C8 neck vertebrae and his father John reported that the initial surgery had gone to plan.

"Dennis came out of the operating theatre just after 8pm tonight (Monday) and as you would expect after such a major operation, he's not quite with it," said John Hobbs.

"His neck is very swollen but he has feeling and movement in all of his limbs and he's going to remain in the High Dependency Unit at Leeds General Infirmary for the next two days at least. Hopefully then we can ascertain as to whether everything is OK before we decide what the next step is."

It is expected that Hobbs will be in hospital in Leeds for around two weeks although the Hobbs Racing Team will be at Donington Park this weekend to fulfil obligations to sponsors with hospitality etc.

"Before the operation, Dennis was asking if he could get a day pass for Donington so he could come along and see people but the doctors have assured him he'll be staying put in Leeds!" said John who will be at Donington to report on progress.

The Hobbs Racing Team would like to thank everyone who has sent messages and cards and Dennis will be replying to them all as soon as he can.

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