Race Reactions - British Grand Prix.

Fernando Alonso:

"This is a very special win - in fact, it has been three special wins in a row for me. After Spain and then Monaco, this is another of the classic races that you want to win. Great Britain is the home of motorsport, I live in Oxford myself only half an hour from this track, and, of course, we have a big part of our team based nearby in Enstone. It is really something wonderful to win for them, at home."

Fernando Alonso:

"This is a very special win - in fact, it has been three special wins in a row for me. After Spain and then Monaco, this is another of the classic races that you want to win. Great Britain is the home of motorsport, I live in Oxford myself only half an hour from this track, and, of course, we have a big part of our team based nearby in Enstone. It is really something wonderful to win for them, at home."

"The race was really competitive, and tough. We had a set-up on the car that meant it was quite understeery in the first part of the stint, but it just got better and better and I could build a lead as the fuel loads came down - although I had a little bit of graining in the second stint that slowed my pace."

"It was windy out there too, like all weekend, so that made things a little bit unpredictable, and we are not used to this heat in Silverstone. So it was never an easy win, but this shows we are working really hard. There's no secret to this fantastic season. We attack every race as a new challenge, we are concentrating all the time and there are no mistakes from the team. The best form of defence is attack - and we showed that today."

Michael Schumacher:

"Second place was the best we could today, given our grid position. Although there were no real problems with the car this weekend, we were simply not quick enough to win. We must work very hard now to come back right from the next race."

"But, all in all, we should still be pleased with these eight points. There are still ten races to go with a hundred points to play for. Even though I am 23 points behind Alonso, I don't think the fight for the championship is over."

"For much of the race, I was behind Kimi even though I had more potential, which is why I feel this result is not so bad. The next two races take place on completely different types of track. It will be interesting to see who has the upper hand on these circuits. We have to try and get back on top."

Kimi Raikkonen:

"I made a good start off the line and was able to maintain my second place. However, I was not fast enough on the straights to pass Alonso. After the safety car came back in, I could close the gap a bit, but that was it really."

"I suffered from oversteer towards the end of the race, which allowed Fisichella to close up. However, I wasn't too worried as I knew it would be almost impossible for him to actually overtake."

"We were not as quick as Alonso and Schumacher and third place was the maximum possible, but I think the good news is that this weekend has shown we are moving in the right direction and are getting more and more competitive."

Giancarlo Fisichella:

"It was a good race for me, I had a competitive and consistent pace and I was quicker than the cars around me. There was graining in the second stint, like for Fernando, but it cleared up on the final set of tyres and I was able to really push. In the final laps, I was much faster than Raikkonen in the first sector, but he was a little bit quicker in the second and third parts because they were running more downforce than us. As I got near him, I lost grip because of the turbulence and couldn't get close enough to overtake."

"This was another great result for the team though - just like in Monaco and Barcelona, we scored the most points of anybody today and got both cars to the finish. Canada is next, one of my favourite circuits, and this Renault team is really on a roll at the moment."

Felipe Massa:

"Not exactly a great day for us. We were hoping to be more competitive, but Renault showed itself to be very strong. I lost a place to Giancarlo in the way the pit-stops played out. I don't think I could have done better than this fifth place, which is reasonable."

"I did not have any particular problems during the race, even though I had no more sets of new tyres, having used all of them in free practice and qualifying. There are important developments on the way for the car and I hope they will allow us to raise our game."

Juan Montoya:

"A big shame that Villeneuve lost control and hit the side of my car as we were coming into the first corner at the start, as our car and strategy would have seen us have a much stronger race. The impact created a big hole in the sidepod and, consequently, I struggled a bit with the balance throughout the race."

"Apart from that the race was relatively quiet, as there was not much I could do. I was able to conserve my engine which is positive coming into Canada where we aim to continue our progress."

Nick Heidfeld:

"I had a very good start when I passed two cars off the grid and a third at the first corner. I was able to keep ahead of Montoya as I stayed out longer than he did. It was only the beginning that he was faster than me because I was fighting understeer. Then the balance of the car was improved. Unfortunately, in the first pit-stop, the first gear didn't work and that cost me time and position."

"Naturally, it is great that both cars finished in the points on their own merits. We have obviously made a step forward."

Jacques Villeneuve:

"Nico Rosberg got me because, at the start into turn one, Juan Pablo Montoya and myself crashed in what was a racing incident. I was on the inside and he was following another car on the outside. He came across the track, took his line, but couldn't see I was there. I locked my wheels and ran into him, but luckily there was no damage."

"I was stuck behind Nico for three-quarters of the race, which was a shame, but he wasn't making any mistakes. It was a good fight but, when I saw him come into the pits three laps before me for the last pit-stop, I really took some big risks on those laps on old tyres."

"To get two cars in the points today, not because people didn't finish, but because we raced strongly is good for Montreal. People told me married men go slower, but I think it is the opposite!"

Nico Rosberg:

"It's pretty disappointing pushing the whole race and coming away with nothing. I gained several places on the start, moving from twelfth to ninth, but, later on in the race, I was surprised not to get ahead of Villeneuve. He came out of the pits in front of me after his second pit-stop despite me really pushing on my out lap."

"Anyway, I think from my point of view this was a useful race for me, adding to my experience of Formula One and each weekend gets easier for me. That said, it's difficult to accept not achieving something because, when I had a good race in my earlier career, it meant I had either won or was on the podium!"

"Looking ahead, I am confident it's going to be better for us in Montreal and Indy, which are different tracks to here and hopefully better suited to us."

Rubens Barrichello:

"I'm really disappointed to finish tenth after starting from a reasonably good grid slot. The car works well with new tyres and then the performance just goes away during the race and I just seem to be fighting the car the whole time. We have a lot of hard work to do if we are going to close the gap to the top teams because it's very frustrating right now and the car is too far away from where we should be."

Jarno Trulli:

"It was always going to be a hard day's work out there from the back of the grid, but I enjoyed it. Silverstone is never the easiest place to overtake, but I still made it past a lot of cars at the start and over the first three or four laps. The car was well balanced and I was fighting really hard throughout. Thanks to the team's good strategy, we were able to gain some more positions at the first pit-stop. It's very hard to stay close to the car in front here, so we couldn't really expect to score points from where we were. But, nevertheless, I'm happy both with my own performance and with that of the TF106B which looks like a definite step forward."

David Coulthard:

"The car had a lot of understeer during the race. I thought I might have done some damage to its underside when I was pushed wide over the kerb at the exit of Stowe on lap one during a battle with Jacques Villeneuve. There was more understeer than there had been during qualifying or the practices and I was surprised by the car's balance. We increased the front aero by two per cent during the race to reduce the understeer, which is a hell of a lot, and it was a little better by the end."

"Mechanically, we performed well but, aero efficiency wise, which is what you need round a circuit like this, we're not where we need to be and we know we've got work to do. The team's knuckling down and getting on with it and I'm looking forward to next week's test."

Vitantonio Liuzzi:

"I had quite a good race, it felt like a long one. It was a shame that, in the early stages, I could not keep up with the group ahead of me, because I had too much understeer. It was the right choice to change our strategy during the race. Apart from the understeer, the car went well and it was a good performance, given that we had always known Silverstone would be a tough track for us, as the V10 was never going to be ideal round here. So, to sum it up - a good result."

Christian Klien:

"The race was a disaster for me, I think. I had to start on scrub tyres, so I lost two positions at the start and it was difficult to warm them on the low grip track. I had a lot of understeer during the race and struggled through the high-speed corners. As a result, I lost time in the first sector."

"The second stint was better; I added some front flap and the pace at that point was actually very good. I made up time on David, but unfortunately not enough to jump Tonio. In the last stint, my tyres were badly damaged and, for the last ten laps, the pace of the car was pretty far away from the top eight."

Christijan Albers:

"From my point of view, we had decent pace. We had a reasonably good car and we're closer to the field - about 13 seconds behind the mid-pack at the end, I believe. So I think we did a good job, especially considering what a bad day we had yesterday. It's easy to forget that but, if you take those setbacks into account, our performance today seems even better. We had a chance to fight with the Red Bulls and other cars."

"Our start was terrible - everybody passed me when I let out the clutch and I had to overtake two Super Aguris on the first lap before corner eight. Fortunately, it worked out, but there are some tracks where that's not possible. So we have to work much harder on that. Tiago held me up a little bit, because it's really difficult to drive behind other cars, especially on a track like this. But, when he made his pit-stop, I was able to push ahead and stay out front. I think everyone on the team did a good job today, and if we can do that for an entire weekend - not just on Sunday - then we have a chance to be competitive in Montreal."

Tiago Monteiro:

"Another finish, but a difficult one. The advantage we gained by making it to the second qualifying session actually hindered us a little bit during the race, because we had to use all the tyres we had available to achieve that. We didn't have any new tyres for the race, so that accounted for the major difference between my times and my team-mate's. When we planned our race strategy, we didn't think it would make such a huge difference because of fuel loads and such but, in the end, it was a massive disadvantage."

"I think we had an amazing car for qualifying but, obviously, the balance wasn't that great over a race distance and the tyres never really came to me. It was more of a struggle throughout the race, but we learned from it. We gambled and it didn't pay off, so we'll use that knowledge next time. Overall, though, it was a positive weekend. We had amazing pace throughout and the team made good progress, so I'm satisfied. If we were slow all weekend, perhaps I wouldn't feel that way, but having seen what we've done, I'm pretty confident for the future."

Takuma Sato:

"It is great that we have achieved a two-car finish again. We had a difficult start to the weekend but, in the end, we finished the race, which is a good result for the team. Obviously, we were quite off the pace today and it was a tough race for us, but the next two rounds of the championship have different track characteristics to Silverstone, so we will concentrate now on these circuits and look forward to the next flyaways."

Franck Montagny:

"The beginning of the race was really difficult for me. I do not know why, if it was the tyres or not, but the car was really unstable and it was impossible for me to follow the pace of the others. After a few laps, the track improved and the car got a little better also, but I still had a lot of oversteer and no traction at all. The good news is that we had both cars finish the race and we did not have any engine or chassis problems, so that is good. We have to improve everything for the next two rounds, but this is a good result for the team today."

Jenson Button:

"The race was going well for me and the car felt pretty good. We weren't as quick as the leaders, but the car was working well and had a good balance. I was absolutely loving it out there, working my way through the field, and, given our fuel load, I was doing pretty well. Then I saw the flames out of the back of the car and went off due to oil on the tyres, so it is looking like an engine oil leak unfortunately."

"A disappointing end to the weekend really, especially in front of my home crowd. It's frustrating that I couldn't give them the race they deserved today. When I walked back in, it was quite emotional as there were lots of cheers and flags being waved. The fans' support this weekend has been fantastic. As for the next race, the important thing is to get the best out of what we have which we weren't able to do here this weekend."

Scott Speed:

"I had a really awesome start and got past Tonio and Christian. I tried to get by Ralf as well in the left-hander at Becketts, as he seemed not to have got a good start and I had a lot of grip. I came up alongside him in the right-hand part and then we just got tangled up together as I went round the outside of him. I don't think he was expecting me to be there. It was just a racing incident, but unfortunately it was the end of our day, as I had bent a track-rod."

Ralf Schumacher:

"Unfortunately, that was just one of those things that happen in racing. It all began with my very bad start. I lost too many positions and found myself in traffic. That's how these things can kick off because, in a mess like that, no-one really has any space. I had cars all around me, so it was really difficult to see exactly what happened, but I was hit from behind. That sent me into a spin, which meant that I couldn't help veering into Mark's path. It was a racing incident and no-one is to blame because no one does anything like that on purpose. But it's the second time in a row that we have struggled off the line, so we should now work hard on improving that."

Mark Webber:

"I had a pretty good start and made up a few places off the line. It looked like Scott Speed clipped Ralf on the right rear going into Becketts, which caused the Toyota to spin and end up in my path. Ralf was obviously trying to save his car, which is fair enough, but he came directly back across the track when I was on the inside trying to get a clean run out, so I had nowhere to go."

"We've had a tough weekend, so it's a shame we couldn't get something out of it. We have a lot of work to do now and we have to keep pressing on and get ready for Montreal."

Pat Symonds [Executive director of engineering - Renault F1]:

"This was a great end to what has been a wonderful weekend at Silverstone. Fernando's hat-trick of pole, win and fastest lap showed a world champion at the top of his game. I am sure we had some doubters yesterday afternoon when we took pole position, but we showed today that we had done it on longer strategies, that played out well for us."

"Fisi put in another great drive as well, and had a good battle with Kimi at the end. The car seemed perfect in the hot conditions on a demanding circuit, and Michelin came up with the goods to provide consistent, competitive tyres."

"Three in a row is a great feeling; we will be working hard in the coming weeks to develop the car even further, and try to break our Canada jinx next time out in Montreal."

Flavio Briatore [Managing director - Renault F1]:

"I am delighted for our team today to win in Silverstone. This was a special afternoon for all of us, but especially all the people who work just 50km away in Enstone. Everything was perfect today - the R26 car, the strategy, Fernando and Giancarlo, who deserved a podium today. Congratulations to Michelin as well, as they once again brought great tyres for this race."

Jean Todt [Team manager - Ferrari]:

"It was a hard fought race, as indeed we had expected. Strategy played a decisive role: in a positive way for Michael, who managed to gain a place compared to his starting position on the grid, and in a negative way for Felipe, who lost one."

"We are up against very strong opponents, but obviously when you are going for the win, coming second is reason enough to be disappointed. However, it also acts as a further stimulus to try and close the gap that separates us in terms of overall performance. That would allow us to qualify at the front and then be able to run an attacking race. There are still ten races to go to the end of the season. We will fight as hard as we can to reach our objectives, along with our partners, especially Bridgestone."

Ross Brawn [Technical director - Ferrari]:

"Naturally, we hoped that with Michael we would make up at least two points, but we ended up losing them. However, things could have been worse and so we can be reasonably happy with the final result. We knew that Raikkonen would be a hard nut to crack. We tried to pass him at the first pit-stop, but we did not manage it and so we had to wait for the second. We had a good car, the Bridgestone tyres delivered consistent performance, but we paid the price for how qualifying went and that made for a difficult race."

Ron Dennis [Team principal - McLaren]:

"As we have shown both in Monaco and here at Silverstone, we have closed some of the gap to our principal competitor Renault, and our efforts to win will continue at the Paul Ricard test this coming week. Kimi and Juan Pablo's post race comments summarise our weekend well, and the entire team is looking forward to the next race in Canada."

Norbert Haug [Motorsport director - Mercedes-Benz]:

"A solid achievement by Kimi, Juan Pablo and the team. The performance was better today than in Barcelona which shows that we are heading in the right direction. We will push further - that's promised."

Mario Theissen [Motorsport director - BMW Sauber]:

"We are very happy because it was a trouble-free weekend for us. This is the first time since Australia that both drivers have scored points, and the fourth consecutive race that we have been in the points."

"Nick made an excellent start which catapulted him by three drivers. Unfortunately, there was a problem at his first pit-stop that cost him a place. Jacques' crew did an excellent job at his second stop, which gained him a position. Now we are travelling with a lot of confidence to North America, and full of motivation for the test of the season."

Willy Rampf [Technical director - BMW Sauber]:

"This was a sunny day in every way. We gad both cars in the points after a race in which all the top teams finished."

"Nick made a good start and kept sixth place for a long time but, during his pit-stop, lost time and one place to Juan Montoya due to a gearshift problem which we need to analyse. At the start, Jacques thought that he had damaged his car, which caused some anxiety in the garage. But he drove a strong race, fighting Rosberg, and, thanks to a very good team effort at his second pit-stop, managed to get in front of him."

Sam Michael [Technical director - WilliamsF1]:

"It was disappointing not to get any points out of the race today. Nico finished in P9 by moving through the field. He was battling pretty hard with Villeneuve and was up on him for most of the race, but unfortunately some traffic and a slower stop on Nico's second refuel lost him the place."

"On Mark's car, it was unfortunate to get caught up in someone else's accident at the start, which ended his race early. We obviously have some work to do on high speed tracks in terms of pace, but reliability was good and we had no problems."

Simon Corbyn [Head of F1 engineering - Cosworth]:

"Cosworth worked with WilliamsF1 to extract everything we had from Nico's engine but, unfortunately, it wasn't quite enough to pick up a point. Mark's race was obviously all over following the first lap incident. Cosworth had no issues with either of the Series 4 race engines throughout their second race weekend."

Gil de Ferran [Sporting director - Honda F1]:

"Overall, this was a difficult day for the whole team. Jenson had a very strong start to his race, making up several places until his eventual retirement early in the race with an oil leak. Rubens also had a hard afternoon, struggling with the car balance throughout the race. Clearly not the result we were hoping for and we have some homework to do."

Shuhei Nakamoto [Engineering director - Honda Racing Development]:

"I am obviously really disappointed by the way we have raced this weekend. We are not yet sure about the problem that ended Jenson's race, but the engine itself is fine. It looks like there has been an oil leak somewhere, so we have to analyse things deeply and find out the specific issue. We must work harder."

Tsutomo Tomita [Team principal - Toyota F1]:

"On Friday, the team atmosphere was very good due to the performance of the car and the tyres here. But things started to go wrong with Jarno's engine failure in qualifying and, when Ralf was hit on the opening lap today, it meant both of our cars were effectively out of contention."

"We had been working hard on our starts in the last few days, so it was a surprise that Ralf's car was so slow to get away and we will definitely have to investigate what happened. It was a pity because, considering the strategy we had, he was clearly heavier than the cars in front of him so he was very competitive in qualifying."

"We knew we had to be aggressive with Jarno, and everything worked as expected. He had a very good start and first lap and our strategy was to pit him early to take advantage of the good lap times we were expecting on new tyres. At the first stop, it worked fine and took him past Coulthard. We tried the same thing at the second stop with Barrichello and it would have worked until he hit traffic. Jarno was happy with his car, he pushed hard and it was almost impossible for him to have done any better. His lap times were very encouraging, particularly in the second stint. So the pace of our cars is getting closer to the top teams. Now we just need to keep pushing our development and reliability in order to catch up with them."

Christian Horner [Sporting director - Red Bull Racing]:

"It was a long afternoon in a race with little attrition. The top three teams dominated the top six places and BMW did a good job to take the last few points. We obviously need to find some more pace and we'll be working on that at the next few tests. David was very consistent during the race and Christian needed to find about another second to clear Tonio in his middle stint, which unfortunately he just missed."

Gerhard Berger [Team owner - Scuderia Toro Rosso]:

"Tonio drove a good race. At the risk of repeating myself, this is about the best we can expect at the moment. It took too long to fix Scott's car, so it seemed pointless to send him out again. Of course, there are some areas where we can improve, but we had a good pit-stop and it was the right decision to switch Tonio from a two to a one stop strategy. It worked reasonably well, as we got ahead of Klien."

James Key [Technical director - Midland MF1]:

"It was good to get both cars to the finish. Both drivers drove a very solid race with no problems. Christijan did a good job to recover from all the bad luck he encountered yesterday, although we did have a little bit of an issue with one of his pit-stops. It was good to see us posting some competitive lap times and we were actually gaining on the people ahead of us at the end of the race - we were only 13 seconds behind the nearest Red Bull at the finish. So we were on the same lap as our competitors and lapping as quick, if not quicker, than they were toward the end of the race. If we can improve our starts - because that let us down a little bit - then we can race them competitively. We actually had a race on our hands today; we weren't alone, and that was good."

Colin Kolles [Managing director - Midland MF1]:

"Both our drivers did a very good job today to bring the cars home. We are getting quicker, but we must keep working hard to improve. We know which areas we have to focus on, and we will do the necessary things to become stronger."

Aguri Suzuki [Team principal - Super Aguri F1]:

"I am glad that both SA05 cars crossed the line at the chequered flag today. It is our first two-car finish since the Australian Grand Prix. The performance of our cars is low, so we have to concentrate on finishing the races until we introduce our new car during the next European rounds. I want to thank the whole team for working so hard this weekend. As our team is based in the UK, it is great to have both cars finish at the British Grand Prix, so I am happy with this result."

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