Hamilton hails Mercedes for 'not being a team that copies'

Mercedes’ have carried over several concepts pioneered with their troubled W13 to their new W14 contender, including their unique narrow sidepods, as they look to extract untapped potential from a difficult 2022 campaign heading into the new season.
In contrast, many teams’ 2023 designs have adopted a clear convergence towards the philosophy favoured by Red Bull, who dominated both world championships last year.
But Hamilton said he is proud Mercedes are keeping the faith in their bold design approach.
“I don’t believe we’ve ever been a team that copied other people,” the seven-time world champion said.
“We’ve always been of our own mind and always been a team that’s incredibly creative and innovative and like to do it our way. I think that’s worked in the past.

“You see some of the cars are converging to what Red Bull, perhaps, will look like, except from Ferrari. Last year we arrived and were like ‘damn that looks quick’, and then it wasn’t with all the issues we had.
“Then coming into another season with a car that’s kind of similar looking in many respects, because a lot of the elements are difficult to change. But you’ve got to have confidence in the engineers, and I do.
"We’re sticking with it, we’re going with it, and I hope when we get in it has the characteristics that we’ve asked for. But if not we will find a way.
“I think the job of the engineers and the drivers is to come up with solutions. We’re prepared for ‘what if?’.
“The difficult thing is you don’t have a crystal ball, so you never know what is up ahead. All you can do is prepare yourself and be present and work diligently towards solving whatever issue it is.”