Palmer: Shield is unnecessary, Indy 500 way more dangerous

Renault F1 driver Jolyon Palmer says his stance on the proposed introduction of a cockpit protection device hasn't changed following confirmation the FIA will look to develop a new prototype dubbed the 'Shield'.
Earlier in the week a meeting of the Strategy Group agreed to turn its attentions towards building and testing a new concept of cockpit protection understood to be derived from the Aeroscreen Red Bull debuted in 2016.
As a consequence, the controversial 'Halo' has now been shelved, with the Shield - which is considered to be the more aesthetically pleasing option in comparison - identified as a more viable solution to calls to improve safety around the cockpit area of an F1 car.
Indeed, Palmer - one of the most vocal opponents of the Halo in 2016 - remains against the idea of the Shield, adding the celebration of Fernando Alonso's decision to compete in the 'way more dangerous' Indy 500 is telling when it comes to drivers' motorsport safety choices.
"I am pleased the Halo is not coming but I don't want the Shield either to be honest," he said. "I prefer the Shield to the Halo, it is less offensive visually but it is a halfway... it will stop some things and not other things. It is still not as good looking as a normal F1 car so for me I prefer normal F1.
"My views haven't changed, I think F1 is safe enough as it is. Honestly, I think drivers wouldn't be racing in it if they were worried for their own safety, so everyone is still racing, Fernando is going to race Indy 500 which is way more dangerous than this, so that shows where he is with it! I think it is unnecessary."
Adding that the Shield continues to divide opinion in the paddock, Palmer rejects the suggestion a consensus has been reached despite the FIA's decision to forge ahead with development.
"I think there is no group opinion of the drivers. Some people seem to think there is but there is not. There is a very split [opinion] between people who want nothing, some people think the Shield is a good idea, some people who want the Halo...
"There is no real consensus from the drivers even if people seem to think there is. The truth is there's not. It is not a case of if the drivers are being listened to... it's up to the FIA and rule markers to decide."
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