Schumacher hits back at Frentzen TC talk.

Michael Schumacher has reacted angrily to suggestions by fellow countryman Heinz-Harald Frentzen that the Ferrari 'engined' teams (i.e. Ferrari, Sauber and Prost) may have some sort of traction control device.

The 2000 World Champion said: "To make this stupid comment is completely unfair, he should rethink what he is saying. I know he does not say it is illegal but then he has to say that we have done a very good job, not say that it is dubious what we are doing."

Schumacher hits back at Frentzen TC talk.

Michael Schumacher has reacted angrily to suggestions by fellow countryman Heinz-Harald Frentzen that the Ferrari 'engined' teams (i.e. Ferrari, Sauber and Prost) may have some sort of traction control device.

The 2000 World Champion said: "To make this stupid comment is completely unfair, he should rethink what he is saying. I know he does not say it is illegal but then he has to say that we have done a very good job, not say that it is dubious what we are doing."

"Everyone at Ferrari is very unhappy, all the tifosi (fans) are unhappy because we not only have a very good engine but we have two very good drivers."

The Ferrari driver added: "He should concentrate on his own car and his own performance and not say the others do something wrong,"

"Basically I think he puts Formula One into quite a lot of disrepute. If he feels there is something strange he has the right to make a protest to clarify it. Just to make a rumour like he does brings the sport into a lot of disrepute and bad criticism."

Earlier in the week Frentzen said: "In the past 18 races, I have had plenty of opportunity to trail behind Ferrari cars or machinery powered by Ferrari engines, and one thing was particularly remarkable. Out of tight corners, these cars had pretty stunning acceleration, combined with a misfiring engine. For me, it is beyond doubt that, somehow, Ferrari managed to develop engine software which reduces the power by a certain margin, to the extent that the driven wheels don't spin. It cannot be ignored that something like this exists - there is simply no room for discussion about that."

Traction control has been banned in F1 since the end of 1993 and won't be allowed back in F1 until the Spanish GP. The reason it is being allowed back is because the FIA (the sports governing body) has admitted that it cannot police the teams and as such to create a level playing field it will be made legal again at the end of April.

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