Factory-bound DC witnesses other side of F1.

When David Coulthard accepted the challenge of spending a day on the shop floor at McLaren, team sponsor West could not resist the temptation to film the Scot's efforts at building one of the race-winning MP4-16s.

What follows is an extract from Coulthard's day on the flip-side of the Formula One glamour game...

"Today is a special day because David Coulthard is coming to see us," explains McLaren International general manager Geoff Highley, "He has been here before, of course, but this time he wants to come and try and make some of the parts used on his race car.

When David Coulthard accepted the challenge of spending a day on the shop floor at McLaren, team sponsor West could not resist the temptation to film the Scot's efforts at building one of the race-winning MP4-16s.

What follows is an extract from Coulthard's day on the flip-side of the Formula One glamour game...

"Today is a special day because David Coulthard is coming to see us," explains McLaren International general manager Geoff Highley, "He has been here before, of course, but this time he wants to come and try and make some of the parts used on his race car.

"He is going into the composite shop to make one of the mirrors for the car. He will then move to the fabrication shop and make a brake pedal for himself. Finally, he will move to the paint shop to try and paint the mirror. Who knows how he'll get on....!"

The rest of this article can be found in the F1 Features section of Crash.Net....

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