Hubbert takes over at head of GPWC.
DaimlerChrysler boss Juergen Hubbert has replaced Fiat's Paolo Cantarella at the head of the Grand Prix World Championship [GPWC] organisation set up by manufacturers currently involved in Formula One to launch its rival series in 2008.
DaimlerChrysler boss Juergen Hubbert has replaced Fiat's Paolo Cantarella at the head of the Grand Prix World Championship [GPWC] organisation set up by manufacturers currently involved in Formula One to launch its rival series in 2008.
Cantarella stood down as chairman on GPWC earlier in the month and also quit his position with Fiat, leaving GPWC with a revised five man board comprising Hubbert, BMW's Burkhard Goeschel, Ford's Richard Parry-Jones, Renault's Patrick Faure and Ferrari boss Luca di Montezemolo, who replaced Cantarella as Fiat's representative. Parry-Jones is another new member of the board, having replaced former Jaguar boss Wolfgang Reitzle in May.
Hubbert has already commented on GPWC's plans, insofar as denying that a deal with the troubled F1 stakeholder Kirch Media was waiting to be signed. Although various sections of the Kirch empire continue to file for bankruptcy, Hubbert said that no deal was imminent unless the terms suited the manufacturers. F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone hopes to prevent a breakaway series by seeing Kirch's shares - and a say in how F1 is run - passed onto GPWC.