Dear Santa...
Ever wondered what an IRL driver wanted for Christmas? Eddie Cheever, Mark Dishmore, Sarah Fisher, Stephan Gregoire, Buddy Lazier, Greg Ray and Jeret Schroeder let us in on their Christmas lists.
Eddie Cheever: "The biggest gift I'll probably receive this year is one that I bought for myself - a bright yellow, super-charged Nissan Frontier. If I'm good, Santa will hopefully be bringing me a Sony flat-screen TV and an MP3 player for my cell phone."
"Other than that, I'm looking forward to lots of rest and relaxation, and spending time with my kids."
Ever wondered what an IRL driver wanted for Christmas? Eddie Cheever, Mark Dishmore, Sarah Fisher, Stephan Gregoire, Buddy Lazier, Greg Ray and Jeret Schroeder let us in on their Christmas lists.
Eddie Cheever: "The biggest gift I'll probably receive this year is one that I bought for myself - a bright yellow, super-charged Nissan Frontier. If I'm good, Santa will hopefully be bringing me a Sony flat-screen TV and an MP3 player for my cell phone."
"Other than that, I'm looking forward to lots of rest and relaxation, and spending time with my kids."
Mark Dishmore:Dismore said he is hoping for a little more luck in his stocking!
Sarah Fisher:
1. "That all kids who want to race find the support they need to make that dream come true.
2. To meet Mike Modano of the Dallas Stars.
3. A roller coaster that runs around my neighborhood that I can ride anytime I want without waiting in line!
4. PlayStation 2.
5. Having all my schoolwork programmed into my brain (like in the movie 'The Matrix' so I don't have to study for my classes.).
6. A Starbucks Barrister coffee machine with a year's supply of coffee.
7. A race-ready backup Dallara car.
8. An unlimited supply of Fruit Punch-flavored Gatorade at our races in 2001 (We always run out of this kind first!).
9. Going to a tropical location with friends at the end of the 2001 season.
10. That all our Indy Racing fans get a chance to see at least one of our races in 2001."
Stephan Gregoire:"Well, I am not sure yet. Don't you wait until Christmas to see what Santa Claus has brought you?"
"I would like buy a bigger and faster plane one day so that I could fly to more of our races. My Sebago is just a small two-seater, and I would like to get a faster four-passenger plane one day. But that's just a Christmas 'wish' for next year."
"I think that for (wife) Virginie and I, the birth of our first child, Eliza, this year has been the best present we could have ever asked for this Christmas."
Buddy Lazier: "I'd love to be able to get 60 more horsepower, three-tenths of a second and more downforce! I'd also love to have a Cobra Lear 55 (jet)."
"But I'd be happy with what I have now. Everything is perfect."
Greg Ray:"What do I want for Christmas? Well, in light of not having a matching IRL championship trophy ... let's see."
"I'm truly blessed with my wonderful wife, Angela, and my two growing sons, Winston and Simon. As well as, my great parents, Benny and Ginger, and also my sweet sister, Wendy. There isn't anything more a person could ask for."
"But there is one thing that Santa could bring me that I really need, that's a big glass of milk! If you get what I mean!"
Jeret Shhroeder: "What do I want for Christmas? A ride with big sponsorship - that's it!"
"Other than that, I guess just stuff for hunting. (Schroeder is an avid hunter and fisherman.) I have camouflage shirts, long underwear and stupid stuff like that on my list. I already received a really nice hunting jacket from my mom that was a combination birthday/Christmas gift."