Ferry to undergo surgery on injured wrist, thumb.
Tough news out of the Yamaha camp today as the results from team rider Tim Ferry's recent X-rays show that his wrist injury, suffered at Anaheim 2, is worse that expected and will require surgery.
In addition, Ferry's physician will attempt to fix his injured thumb - on the same side [left] as his injured wrist. Ferry injured his thumb while representing the United States at this year's Motocross Des Nations.

Tough news out of the Yamaha camp today as the results from team rider Tim Ferry's recent X-rays show that his wrist injury, suffered at Anaheim 2, is worse that expected and will require surgery.
In addition, Ferry's physician will attempt to fix his injured thumb - on the same side [left] as his injured wrist. Ferry injured his thumb while representing the United States at this year's Motocross Des Nations.
"No broken bones or sever ligament damage showed up in the initial MRI, so we figured it was just a bad sprain and took some time off and came back to race Houston," explained Ferry. "I had a pretty bad get-off at Houston in practice and afterward I had the feeling that there was possibly more wrong. I tried to ride on Tuesday [this week], but the pressure and pain in my wrist was too sever. So we went to see my physician."
Ferry continued: "The guy didn't even get the X-ray clipped into the reading light when he said 'There's your problem.' I'd bet money that I finished it off at Houston. It's steadily gotten worse because it's somewhat dislocated now."
Ferry also stated that it was "likely" that the physician would have to put some pins in his wrist to hold the bones in place while the wrist ligament heals.
"All I can do now is keep myself in the best shape possible and focus on the Nationals," said Ferry.