Three wide grid and 'ride through' for 2004.
The Grand Prix commission has announced a series of sporting, technical and medical changes for the 2004 season, which include the MotoGP grid changing from four riders per row to three, and the introduction of ride through penalties.
The grid change seems to have been made to help avoid startline collisions the risk of which, many believe, has been on the increase due to the use of launch control systems that sometime behave 'less than perfect'. The 125 and 250cc classes will retain the four rider wide layout.

The Grand Prix commission has announced a series of sporting, technical and medical changes for the 2004 season, which include the MotoGP grid changing from four riders per row to three, and the introduction of ride through penalties.
The grid change seems to have been made to help avoid startline collisions the risk of which, many believe, has been on the increase due to the use of launch control systems that sometime behave 'less than perfect'. The 125 and 250cc classes will retain the four rider wide layout.
Another significant change is the introduction of a ride through penalty during races, this involves the rider travelling through the pits at reduced speed for an infringement of the rules. It should avoid the situation seen at Phillip Island last season where Valentino Rossi had 10secs added to his race time for a yellow flag infringement. Further penalties (fines, suspensions) can still be added after the race.
If a rider passes under a yellow flag, he/she can avoid a penalty by raising a hand and letting rider(s) that overtaken re-pass.
The full list of rule modifications can be seen below...
1.15.1 Practice Restrictions
v) No testing may take place between the 15th December of one year and the 15th January of the following year, both dates being inclusive. This restriction applies to all teams in all classes who participated in the preceding season and those teams that have been notified of acceptance for, or already have a contract of participation for, the following season. The restriction applies to testing by these teams of machines used in any class of the FIM Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix with riders nominated for the Championship or test riders.
1.15.2 Practice Sessions
iii) The end of practice will be indicated by the waving of a chequered flag at which time the pit exit will be closed. A rider's time will continue to be recorded until the allotted time has elapsed at which time the red light on the start line will be displayed. After the chequered flag riders may complete one additional lap prior to entering the pits.
1.16 Grid Positions 1.16.2 For the MotoGP class, the Grid will be arranged in the 3-3-3-3 configuration "in echelon". For the 125cc and 250cc classes, the Grid will be arranged in the 4-4-4-4 configuration "in echelon". Each line will be offset. There will be a distance of 9 metres between each row.
1.18 Start Procedure 18)... Any person who, due to his behaviour on the grid is responsible for a "start delayed", may be penalised with one of the following penalties: fine - ride through - disqualification - withdrawal of Championship points.
1.19 Ride Through Procedure
During the race, the rider will be requested to ride through the pit lane. He may then rejoin the race. The rider must respect the speed limit (85 km/h + 10% - Art. 1.21.14), in the pit lane. In case of infraction of this speed limit, the ride through procedure will be repeated; in case of a second infraction of this speed limit, the black flag will be shown to the rider.
In the event of a restarted race, the above regulation will also apply.
In the case of a race interrupted prior to the penalty being enforced, and if there is a second part, the rider will be required to ride through after the start of the second part of the race.
In the case of a rider carrying forward a penalty for anticipation of the start, into the second part of an interrupted race and subsequently found to have anticipated the second start, the rider will be shown the black flag.
After notification has been made to the team, a yellow board (100cm horizontal X 80 cm vertical) displaying the rider's number (black colour, height 50cm, stroke width 10cm) will be shown at the finish line and the information will also be displayed on the timekeeping monitors.
Failure by the relevant rider to ride through, having been shown the board 3 times, will result in that rider being shown the black flag.
If more than one rider is penalised, the riders will be signalled to ride through on subsequent laps. The order of the riders will be based on the qualifying times with the faster rider first.
In the case of a rider failing to respond to the instruction to ride through, and there being more than one rider penalised, no subsequent rider will be signalled to ride through until the previous rider has completed the ride through procedure or has been shown the black flag.
In the case where the organisation has been unable to carry out the ride through penalty before the end of the race, the relevant rider will be inflicted with a time penalty of 20 seconds.
1.21 Behaviour during Practice and Race
1) Riders must obey the flag signals, the light signals, and the boards which convey instructions. Any infringement to this rule will be penalised according to the provisions of article 1.22.
2) Riders must ride in a responsible manner which does not cause danger to other competitors or participants, either on the track or in the pit-lane. Any infringement of this rule will be penalised with one of the following penalties: fine - ride through - disqualification - withdrawal of Championship points - suspension.
3) Riders should use only the track and the pit-lane. However, if a rider accidentally leaves the track then he may rejoin it at the place indicated by the marshals or at a place which does not provide an advantage to him. Any infringement of this rule during the practices or warm up will be penalised by the cancellation of the lap time concerned and during the race, by a ride through. Further penalties (such as fine - disqualification - withdrawal of Championship points) may also be imposed.
1.22.1 Flags and Lights Used to Provide Information:
o Blue Flag
Shown waved at the flag marshal post, this flag indicates to a rider that he is about to be overtaken.
During the practice sessions, the rider concerned must keep his line and slow down gradually to allow the faster rider to pass him. During the race, the rider concerned is about to be lapped. He must allow the following rider(s) to pass him at the earliest opportunity.
Any infringement of this rule will be penalised with one of the following penalties: fine - disqualification - withdrawal of Championship points.
At all times, this flag will be shown waved to a rider leaving the pit lane if traffic is approaching on the track.
1.22.2 Flags Which Convey Information and Instructions:
o Yellow Flag
Shown waved at the flag marshal post, this flag indicates that there is a danger ahead. The riders must slow down and be prepared to stop. Overtaking is forbidden up until the point where the green flag is shown.
- Any infringement of this rule during a practice session will result in the cancellation of the time of the lap during which the infraction occurred.
- Any Infringement of this rule during the race will be penalised with a ride through.
- In both cases, further penalties (such as fine - suspension) may also be imposed.
- If immediately after having overtaken, the rider realises that he has made an infraction, he must raise his hand and let pass the rider(s) that he has overtaken. In this case, no penalty will be imposed.
o Red Flag and Red Lights
When the race or practice is being interrupted, the red flag will be waved at each flag marshal post and the red lights around the track will be switched on. Riders must return slowly to the pits.
When the pit-lane exit is closed, this flag will be shown motionless at the pit-lane exit and the light will be switched on. Riders are not allowed to exit the pit lane.
Any infringement of this rule will be penalised with one of the following penalties: fine - disqualification - withdrawal of Championship points - suspension.
At the end of each practice session and warm-up, the red lights will be switched on at the start line.
The red flag will be shown motionless on the starting grid at the end of the sighting lap(s) and at the end of the warm up lap.
The red flag may also be used to close the track.
The red lights will be switched on at the start line for between 2 and 5 seconds to start each race.
o Black Flag
This flag is used to convey instructions to one rider only and is displayed motionless at each flag marshal post together with the rider's number. The rider must stop at the pits at the end of the current lap and cannot restart.
This flag will be presented only after the rider's team has been notified.
Any infringement of this rule will be penalised with one of the following penalties: fine -disqualification - withdrawal of Championship points - suspension.
o Black Flag with orange disk (AE 40 cm) This flag is used to convey instructions to one rider only and is displayed motionless at each flag marshal post together with the rider's number. This flag informs the rider that his motorcycle has mechanical problems likely to endanger himself or others, and that he must immediately leave the track.
Any infringement of this rule will be penalised with one of the following penalties: fine -disqualification - withdrawal of Championship points - suspension.
1.25 Interruption of a race
1.25.4 If the results calculated show that two-thirds of the original race distance rounded down to the nearest whole number of laps have been completed by the leader of the race and by all other riders on the same lap as the leader, then for the 125cc and 250cc classes the race will be deemed to have been completed and full Championship points will be awarded. For the MotoGP class, the race will be restarted for a minimum of 5 laps according to Art. 1.26.
If it is found impossible to restart the race, then the results will count and full Championship points will be awarded.
1.26.4 Conditions for the re-started race will be as follows:
ii - c. The number of laps of the second race will be the number of laps required to complete the original race distance, with a minimum of 5 laps.
1.28 Championship Points and Classification
1.28.7 In the event of a tie in the number of points, the final positions will be decided on the basis of the number of best results in the races (number of first places, number of second places etc.). In the event that there is still a tie then, the date in the Championship at which the highest place was achieved will be taken into account with precedence going to the latest result.
2.2 Classes
2.2.1 The following classes will be accommodated, which will be designated by engine capacity:
125 Over 80cc up to 125cc - Maximum one cylinder
250 Over 175cc up to 250cc - Maximum two cylinders
MotoGP Over 350cc up to 500cc (2 strokes) - Maximum four cylinders
Over 350cc up to 990cc (4 strokes) - Unlimited cylinders
Four stroke motorcycles participating in the MotoGP class must be prototypes. Those that are not entered by a member of MSMA must be approved for participation by the Grand Prix Commission.
2.6 Fuel Tanks
2.6.4 Except for the case that a fuel tank is fixed on the chassis with bolts, all fuel lines from the fuel tank to the engine/carburettor system must have a self sealing breakaway valve. This valve must separate at less than 50% of the load required to break any part of the fuel line or fitting or to pull it out of the fuel tank.
2.6.5 The fuel tank capacities for prototype motorcycles are:
- 2-stroke engines: maximum 32 litres
- 4-stroke engines: maximum 24 litres
As from 2005, the fuel tank capacity for 4-stroke engines will be reduced to 22 litres.
3.2 Penalties
The penalties are: warnings, fines, ride through, time penalties, disqualification, withdrawal of Championship points, suspension, exclusion Penalties that may be pronounced by the Race Direction
The following penalties may be pronounced by the Race Direction: warning, fine, ride through, time penalty, disqualification, withdrawal of Championship points, suspension.
Furthermore, the Race Direction can refer the case to the International Disciplinary Court (CDI) in order to impose a higher penalty than the Race Direction is empowered to do.
3.4.2 Right of appeal
No appeal may be lodged against a decision of the Race Direction to inflict a ride through penalty.
3.5.5 Notification of judgements
The decisions of the Race Direction or of the FIM Stewards must be notified directly at the event venue, or failing that, addressed by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
All judgements of the International Disciplinary Court (CDI) must be notified, in writing, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt in order to inform all the parties concerned.
3.5.6 Publication of judgements
The disciplinary or arbitration body imposing a penalty or adjudicating a protest or an appeal must have its findings published and quote the names of all parties concerned. The persons or bodies quoted in these statements have no right of action against the FIM nor against any person having published the statement.
Furthermore, final decisions will be published in the Media Centre and in the FIM Magazine unless the Court itself decides otherwise.
3.6.1 Payment of fines and costs
If the penalty is definitive, all fines must be paid into the Benevolent Fund before the beginning of the first practice of the second Grand Prix following the final decision. The cost must be paid to the FIM Executive Secretariat within 30 days of notification of the judgement decision according to Article 3.5.5.
The person or body affected by the decision shall be automatically suspended from participation in all FIM activities, until such time as full payment has been received.
5.1 Introduction
The new FIM Anti-Doping Code (included in these rule book) will come into force on 1 July 2004.