Fear about the Red Arrows missing 2025 Isle of Man TT is addressed
Isle of Man TT did not appear in Red Arrows' list of 2025 appearances

A big concern that the Red Arrows will miss this year’s Isle of Man TT has been confronted.
The famous aeroplane display published a list of its 2025 commitments which did include the TT.
That is despite the Red Arrows becoming a tradition at the annual motorsports event, delighting motorcycle racing fans with their daring moves above Douglas Bay.
But the lack of a mention for the TT in the Red Arrows’ 2025 sparked concern.
However, the fear has been allayed.
The Isle of Man Government has confirmed, according to the Isle of Man Today, that their Department for Enterprise has submitted an official application for the Red Arrows to appear at the 2025 TT.
A spokesperson confirmed that talks have been held with the RAF, and an official application is in.
In response to the TT not appearing on the Red Arrows’ list of commitments, the spokesperson added that the list was not yet complete. More appearances are set to be added for the rest of the year.
It will be a relief to TT fans who flock to the Isle of Man every year.
Watching the exciting Red Arrows in the skies compliments the motorcycles on the roads.
Police often have to direct the flow of traffic to the perfect spots to watch the Red Arrows when they perform at the TT.
Although still unconfirmed, it seems like the Red Arrows will be back in 2025, after all.