Kevin Little Testimonial line-ups confirmed.
The four teams in the main event of the Kevin Little Testimonial have been completed with the addition of Grand Prix star Chris Harris plus in-form Premier Leaguers Chris Neath and Paul Lee.
Harris will line up for the Redcar Bears, which means that all four sides have one Elite Leaguer, the others being Rory Schlein (Edinburgh), Joe Screen (Workington) and Kenneth Bjerre (Newcastle).

The four teams in the main event of the Kevin Little Testimonial have been completed with the addition of Grand Prix star Chris Harris plus in-form Premier Leaguers Chris Neath and Paul Lee.
Harris will line up for the Redcar Bears, which means that all four sides have one Elite Leaguer, the others being Rory Schlein (Edinburgh), Joe Screen (Workington) and Kenneth Bjerre (Newcastle).
Kevin says "Chris Harris is Great Britain's second representative in the GP and I think he's there on merit, he can beat the best on his day. I've not ridden with him but I'm very pleased he has agreed to come.
"Neathy's been badgering me for years about when I'm going to retire so he can ride in my meeting! The first time I really got on with him was the night at Hull when he guested for Newcastle. We were trying to win the league and he showed the same commitment as everyone else. That mightily impressed me.
"Paul has been a ski-ing buddy this winter and he's been pressing me to be in the meeting. I've known him a long time, since he rode for Long Eaton in '97. He was just a wee boy then. He's not had the best of luck with injuries and I wish him an injury-free season, because he is a good wee rider, immensely quick."
Please note the meeting starts at 7pm. Riding line-ups are:
Gary Havelock, Shane Parker, Chris Kerr, Chris Harris.
Kenneth Bjerre, Stuart Robson, Richard Hall, George Stancl.
Rory Schlein, William Lawson, Ronnie Correy, Chris Neath.
Joe Screen, Kauko Nieminen, James Wright, Paul Lee.
Premier League Legends:
Martin Dixon and Carl Stonehewer
Peter Carr and Kenny McKinna
Scott Lamb and Sean Courtney
Paul Bentley and David Blackburn.