Wimbledon to reveal 'well respected' new manager.
Conference League team Wimbledon Dons are poised to announce the appointment of a new general manager who will have responsibility for team affairs and the administration of speedway operations at Plough Lane.
The position will involve all aspects of speedway management including team selection and track preparation, and a number of experienced candidates came under consideration before the directors of Wimbledon Speedway PLC reached their decision.

Conference League team Wimbledon Dons are poised to announce the appointment of a new general manager who will have responsibility for team affairs and the administration of speedway operations at Plough Lane.
The position will involve all aspects of speedway management including team selection and track preparation, and a number of experienced candidates came under consideration before the directors of Wimbledon Speedway PLC reached their decision.
Dons chairman Ian Perkin is set to confirm the identity of "a well respected speedway figure" in the New Year, and stated that the gentleman in question has considerable experience as a rider, manager and promoter.
"Having launched a successful takeover bid to save the Dons last summer, it is obvious that we need a professional manager to take our club to the next level and devote the necessary time and resource to running Wimbledon Speedway," stated Perkin.
It is hoped that the new signing will be 'unmasked' at the quiz night to be held at Wimbledon Stadium on 15 January 2003.