Linback's sensational debut maximum.
Poole fans have a new hero after the stunning debut of Brazilian-born Antonio Lindback in their British League Cup tie with Exeter. Lindback, who caught the club's eye with the Swedish touring side, scored 19-points in the 58-32 win for the Wimborne Road side.
Poole fans have a new hero after the stunning debut of Brazilian-born Antonio Lindback in their British League Cup tie with Exeter. Lindback, who caught the club's eye with the Swedish touring side, scored 19-points in the 58-32 win for the Wimborne Road side.
Pirates team manager Neil Middleditch said: "That was some debut, particularly when you consider he has never set foot on the track before." Some debut indeed from the youngster as he added two bonus points to his tally when finishing secoind behind his partner in a couple of races meaning that he scored a rare seven ride paid maximum which makes his performance all the more remarkable.
The Pirates' defeat of Exeter measn that are undefeated in the British League Cup and on couse for the latter stages of the competition. Poole can count themselves fortunate as it's belived that a number of other clubs - including Premier League Trelawny - have had their eye on Lindback.