Event timetable - Rallye Sanremo.
Complete event timetable for the Rallye Sanremo / Rallye d'Italia - the eleventh round in the 2003 FIA World Rally Championship.
Wednesday 1 October:
Scruteenering 16.00 / 21.00 - Autocarrozzeria Servicar - Sanremo
Thursday 2 October:
Shakedown 08.00 / 12.00 - Borghetto d'Arroscia
Start 2030 Sanremo Ceremonial Start

Complete event timetable for the Rallye Sanremo / Rallye d'Italia - the eleventh round in the 2003 FIA World Rally Championship.
Wednesday 1 October:
Scruteenering 16.00 / 21.00 - Autocarrozzeria Servicar - Sanremo
Thursday 2 October:
Shakedown 08.00 / 12.00 - Borghetto d'Arroscia
Start 2030 Sanremo Ceremonial Start
Friday 3 October:
Service A 0718 Imperia 20 minutes
SS1 0838 Perinaldo 12.40km
SS2 0926 Ceppo 1 36.42km
Service B 1112 Imperia 20 minutes
SS3 1225 Cosio 1 19.19km
SS4 1317 S. Bartolomeo 1 25.31km
Regroup 1419 Imperia 15 minutes
Service C 1434 Imperia 20 minutes
SS5 1554 Perinaldo 2 12.40km
SS6 1642 Ceppo 2 36.42km
Service D 1828 Imperia 45 minutes
Finish 2013 Sanremo
Total Leg 1 distance: 551.24km (competitive 142.14km, liaison 409.10km)
Saturday 4 October:
Start 0700 Sanremo
Service E 0748 Imperia 20 minutes
SS7 0920 Teglia 1 52.30km
Regroup 1103 Imperia 10 minutes
Service F 1113 Imperia 20 minutes
SS8 1226 Cosio 2 19.19km
SS9 1318 S Bartolomeo 2 25.31km
Service G 1420 Imperia 20 minutes
SS10 1552 Teglia 2 52.30km
Service H 1735 Imperia 45 minutes
Finish 1920 Sanremo
Total Leg 2 distance 491.06km (competitive 149.10km, liaison 341.96km)
Sunday 5 October:
Start 0700 Sanremo
Service I 0748 Imperia 20 minutes
SS11 0912 Vignai 1 26.40km
SS12 0954 Colle d'Oggia 1 21.52km
Regroup 1054 Imperia 10 minutes
Service J 1104 Imperia 20 minutes
SS13 1228 Vignai 2 12.28km
SS14 1310 Colle d'Oggia 2 21.52km
Service K 1410 Imperia 20 minutes
Finish 1530 Sanremo
Total Leg 3 distance 333.56km (competitive 95.84km, liaison 237.72km)
Total event distance: 1375.86km (competitive 387.08km, liaison 988.78km)
Competitive to overall km ratio: 28%
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