Gronholm slams new points system.

Double FIA World Rally Champion Marcus Gronholm has slammed the decision to adopt the new F1 points system for 2003.

During the 2002 campaign points were awarded to the top six finishers, in a 10-6-4-3-2-1 pattern.

For the 2003 season though, which kicks on January 22 with the Monte Carlo Rally, the gap between first and second will be only two points not four. The top eight finishers will also get points, the new system being a 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1.

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Double FIA World Rally Champion Marcus Gronholm has slammed the decision to adopt the new F1 points system for 2003.

During the 2002 campaign points were awarded to the top six finishers, in a 10-6-4-3-2-1 pattern.

For the 2003 season though, which kicks on January 22 with the Monte Carlo Rally, the gap between first and second will be only two points not four. The top eight finishers will also get points, the new system being a 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1.

Gronholm told Reuters though that the changes are not good. "This new system is not correct," he said. "The winner of a rally is not sufficiently rewarded.

"The winner is the winner so he should have a quantifiable advantage as far as the championship goes.

"This year it will not be so important to win a rally. The situation is too contradictory."

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