Neste Rally Finland: SS12.
SS12 - Ouninpohja 1 (33.24 kms): Solberg fastest through SS12; Gronholm second; Martin third; Sainz fourth; Tuohino fifth; Sohlberg sixth; Lindholm went off the road and retired; Andersson heads the JWRC category; Gronholm leads the overall event by 45.8secs.
Stage times and overall standings after SS12.
Top ten stage times for SS12:

SS12 - Ouninpohja 1 (33.24 kms): Solberg fastest through SS12; Gronholm second; Martin third; Sainz fourth; Tuohino fifth; Sohlberg sixth; Lindholm went off the road and retired; Andersson heads the JWRC category; Gronholm leads the overall event by 45.8secs.
Stage times and overall standings after SS12.
Top ten stage times for SS12:
1. Petter SolbergSubaru Impreza WRC 200415mins 29.8secs
2. Marcus GronholmPeugeot 307 WRC+00mins 01.3secs
3. Markko MartinFord Focus RS WRC 04+00mins 10.0secs
4. Carlos SainzCitroen Xsara WRC+00mins 14.8secs
5. Janne TuohinoFord Focus RS WRC 04+00mins 18.5secs
6. Kristian SohlbergMitsubishi Lancer WRC04+00mins 21.6secs
7. Sebastien LoebCitroen Xsara WRC+00mins 24.9secs
8. Jani PaasonenSkoda Fabia WRC+00mins 27.4secs
9. Francois DuvalFord Focus RS WRC 04+00mins 38.3secs
10. Toni GardemeisterSkoda Fabia WRC+00mins 45.3secs
Overall times after SS12:
1. Marcus GronholmPeugeot 307 WRC1hour 26mins 44.2secs
2. Markko MartinFord Focus RS WRC 04+00mins 45.8secs
3. Carlos SainzCitroen Xsara WRC+01mins 17.7secs
4. Janne TuohinoFord Focus RS WRC 04+01mins 22.1secs
5. Sebastien LoebCitroen Xsara WRC+01mins 38.8secs
6. Jani PaasonenSkoda Fabia WRC+01mins 48.6secs
7. Francois DuvalFord Focus RS WRC 04+02mins 05.9secs
8. Kristian SohlbergMitsubishi Lancer WRC04+02mins 15.4secs
9. Daniel CarlssonPeugeot 206 WRC+03mins 35.1secs
10. Toni GardemeisterSkoda Fabia WRC+03mins 57.4secs
11. Henning SolbergPeugeot 206 WRC+04mins 05.6secs
12. Gilles PanizziMitsubishi Lancer WRC04+04mins 10.6secs
13. Armin SchwarzSkoda Fabia WRC+06mins 04.9secs
14. Gianluigi GalliMitsubishi Lancer Evo VII+08mins 37.6secs
15. Alister GinleySubaru Impreza WRX+10mins 05.6secs
16. Jari ViitaFord Focus RS WRC 03+10mins 06.6secs17. Per-Gunnar Andersson Suzuki Ignis+10mins 15.3secs18. Kosti KatajamakiSuzuki Ignis+10mins 25.1secs
19. Kaj KuistilaMitsubishi Lancer Evo VII+10mins 48.4secs
20. Jukka KetomakiSuzuki Ignis+11mins 06.4secs
Overall JWRC after SS12:
1. Per-Gunnar Andersson Suzuki Ignis1hour 36mins 59.5secs2. Kosti KatajamakiSuzuki Ignis+00mins 09.8secs3. Nicolas BernardiRenault Clio+01mins 41.9secs
Notable retirements*:
SS3. Juuso PykalistoCitroen XsaraMechanical.
SS4. Petter SolbergSubaru Impreza WRC 2004Went off the road.
SS6/7. Harri RovanperaPeugeot 307 WRCRolled.
SS10. Mikko HirvonenSubaru Impreza WRC 2004Went off the road.
SS12. Sebastian Lindholm Peugeot 307 WRCWent off the road.
* Under the new 'SupeRally' system, retired cars can re-start on subsequent legs. However as the system is currently being used only as an experiment, competitors will not be eligible for points and will not be classified in the overall standings.
Italics denotes Junior World Rally Championship entries.