BSS: Ben Wilson - Q&A

By Christian Tiburtius
One of the most exciting pairings in the 2013 BSB paddock is the Gearlink Kawasaki line-up of Ben Wilson and Alastair Seeley in the British Supersport class.
The pair provided one of the most thrilling BSS seasons ever as they battled for the 2011 title - including a memorable moment, when Seeley had to elbow Wilson's bike off his own at the season-closing Brands Hatch decider.
That was while racing for different teams, but this season they will both be in the same pit garage, so it's fair to say that some great racing is anticipated. caught up with both riders to get their perspective on the upcoming season. This is the second interview, featuring 2011 title runner-up Wilson.
(Click Here for part one, with Alastair Seeley).
This year's partnership at Gearlink looks to us to be one of the most interesting of the season, what's your perspective on it?
Ben Wilson:
It doesn't matter who's sat next to you on the same colour bike, it makes no difference to me, I just want to win. We just need to finish the job off from 2011 and hopefully it'll be me in front. There's no doubt that there's going to be a fantastic battle though.
2011 is done and dusted, we've got to do a better job this season, because he lifted the trophy and I didn't, so it doesn't matter if we win by 1 point or 100, winning is winning, a runner up is the first loser.
BSS looks to be particularly competitive for 2013, which are the riders you'll be looking out for?
Ben Wilson:
You can't talk about a particular rider this season, there's such a depth of talent on the grid this year. But we can say that we're certainly as competitive as anyone out there so we've just got to make sure that we're not caught on the back foot. But that's the way it is, if it were easy everyone would be out there doing it. The team's been working hard on the bike and now it's down to me not to let them down.
You've got a real all action style, how did that come about?
Ben Wilson:
Back in the day I used to be absolutely fixated on Chris Walker, he's quite aggressive too. Both Chris and me come from a motocross background and you do need that aggressive style to do well there. Chris is a really good friend now.
I didn't really copy anyone else's style, but everyone seems to like it. I get the odd elbow down, but I'm not really trying to do it.
Some people try to make me change, say that it's not competitive and that I hang off the bike too far but nine times out of ten those people aren't fast on a bike so you don't listen to them anyway. In some photos from the side of the bike, you can just see a hand and a foot but it just seems normal to me.
Do you think your size will be a handicap?
Ben Wilson:
I'm very conscious of the weight thing but I wouldn't say I'm any bigger than Billy McConnell for example and there are a lot of riders like Glen Richards who are also a similar weight.
If you put me next to Alastair though I am going to look big, he's absolutely tiny. There is a massive difference to be honest. A motorbike's a motorbike though, he'll have his settings, I'll have mine and we'll go racing.
In 2012 you seemed to hit form towards the end of last season, what was holding you back initially?
Ben Wilson:
Things just didn't go right, we were having a bit of an off season. You can't really put it down to anything in particular, some riders just have an off season. But it has to be said that the Triumphs came on pretty strong and that made it look worse than it was.
My team stood by me though and I stood by them and this year we just want to put 2011 to bed. But the team has worked to make the Kawasaki better and I do believe that it will be good enough to win in 2013.
Tell us a little about the bike, what kind of power does it make, what kind of electronics does it run?
Ben Wilson:
The bike itself is the same as 2009, there've been no new models since then, but it's still competitive and when it's working right I wouldn't swap it for any other bike on the grid.
I don't know how much power it makes, but if when I'm going down the straights if it's as fast as everything else, I don't need to worry about it. I'm not really interested in power outputs, as long as it's quick I'm fine. We all run standard Motec electronics. It's not too far off the WSS spec bike.
What are your feelings about electronics on bikes?
Ben Wilson:
The way we're going at the moment we're using less traction control and it's a good thing. On a 600, you don't really need it but in 2010 everyone was using it.
In 2010 we were also using a lot of traction control but in 2011 we were going faster without it. So it's more of a level playing field without it. But if the rules say we have to ride with the front wheel in the back, then that's what we ride.
Before Michael (de Bidaph, team owner) signed Alastair, did he talk with you about it?
Ben Wilson:
We spoke about it, but the things that go on in the team are Michael's decision but from the offset I said that I haven't got a problem with it and if he runs him, he runs him. Alastair was always going to be in Supersport this year and I don't really care what bike he's on.
From the outside Gearlink looks a very tight knit friendly team, what's your perspective on it?
Ben Wilson:
They're very professional, I have a great working relationship with Michael and we're also good friends. But when we get to race meeting it stays professional and the lads in the team put in 120%.
It's a small team compared to everybody else and it was a massive thing for us in 2011 when we went up against TAS and we took it to them. For a little team that's run from a little two bay garage it's pretty impressive what Michael's done. If Michael says he's going to win the championship then he probably will.
Do you remember coming around Paddock Hill bend and Alastair had to elbow you off his bike, what were you thinking at the time?
Ben Wilson:
Rubbing's racing! I didn't have time to be scared, it probably looked worse than what it was, but I was having that bit of tarmac and that was that. We're not playing tiddlywinks.
When you're on the grid before a race, how do you feel?
Ben Wilson:
You never want to think about the crowd, you don't see the crowd; you're there fixated on your job. Though it's nice to do the odd wheelie and burnout for the spectators at the end.
I do get nervous though for sure but if you're not nervous, you're not sharp. You get the feeling sick moments, and the asking yourself why you're here moments but then you get on the start line you know what you've got to do.
What are you doing in the off season?
Ben Wilson:
I'm in training. I'm basically pushing myself to the limit in the gym. My personal trainer is pushing me pretty hard. I have to travel pretty far to see him but he gets the results.
Apparently you've been taken around the NW200, do you have any road racing plans?
Ben Wilson:
Never say never, but I'm a short circuit rider and my style is too aggressive for the roads. If I was to ride like I do on the circuits I'd end up in a wall. I'm enjoying doing what I'm doing at the moment though I do respect the lads who do it. But no plans at the minute.
Do you think a liking for George Formby is compatible with being a BSS champion?
Ben Wilson:
He rode motorbikes, you need to listen to the TT racers song he did. He makes me laugh and I liked the fact that he always meant what he said.
And finally some quick-fire choices... Modern shootout BSB format or Traditional tally of whole season's points?
Ben Wilson:
The new format makes things more exciting, but if you're leading by 100 points into the shootout then that's a bit harsh. I'll have sit on the fence for this one.
Superstock/Evo style restrictions for BSB and WSBK or WSBK style unrestricted regulations?
Ben Wilson:
The Superstock/Evo restrictions is good for close racing and allow teams to get things done so I'll go for that.
MotoGP or BSB (to watch)
Ben Wilson:
Be able to get back on a bike after a crash and continue the race or not be allowed to get back on a bike after it has crashed for safety.
Ben Wilson:
Get back on, any day of the week (though at Brands hatch when I was leading by 10 seconds, if they hadn't got on I would have probably won).
Finishing third and ahead of Alastair Seeley or second but behind him?
Ben Wilson:
I don't want to come third, I don't want come second, I want to win so that's my choice.
Thanks Ben.
Ben Wilson:
No worries.