Fittipaldi opens Cigar Club in Miami.
While smoking in public places is largely restricted in many US states, Miami's exclusive Porcao restaurant in Miami has opened a specific area where lovers of fine tobacco can congregate, an area named after Emerson Fittipaldi and his Fittipaldi Cigars brand.
This new Fittipaldi Cigar Club offers cigar lovers a place to get together to sample some of the finest and most famous brands in the world, including the former Formula One World Champion's brand, Fittipaldi Cigars.
While smoking in public places is largely restricted in many US states, Miami's exclusive Porcao restaurant in Miami has opened a specific area where lovers of fine tobacco can congregate, an area named after Emerson Fittipaldi and his Fittipaldi Cigars brand.
This new Fittipaldi Cigar Club offers cigar lovers a place to get together to sample some of the finest and most famous brands in the world, including the former Formula One World Champion's brand, Fittipaldi Cigars.
"I am pleased to introduce this new concept," said Fittipaldi. "True cigar lovers can come to Porc?o and find a pleasant place to enjoy our products. It is a place where club members, as well as non-members who want to visit us, can share their knowledge of fine tobacco, have a good time, and even make business with their associates."
Fittipaldi said that his first encounter with fine cigars was following the birth of his grandson, Pietro, when he was offered one to celebrate the occasion. For the man who dominated the world's most recognized tracks, the tobacco industry quickly became a new challenge.
The Fittipaldi Cigar Club will be open regularly from 1:00 to 5:00 PM, and then from 6:00 to 11:00 PM in a designated area at the Porc?o restaurant, a popular spot for lovers of gourmet food.
"We hope this new space created together between Porcao and Fittipaldi Cigar Club could bring to our clients the unique opportunity of matching a good meal and a selection of premium cigars in the same place."
The line of first class cigars bearing the name of Fittipaldi is produced by the experienced and renowned manufacturing family of Augusto Reyes in the Dominican Republic.